Faith-Based Parenting
Un-shaming Your Relationship With God, With You, and Your Parenting
Do you want to parent in a different way than the generations before- naturally?
Click to EnrollDoes this feel like you?

You leave church feeling SO much love and gratitude for your home and family and learning all about UNITY and HARMONY... and then you get home and find yourself being more snappy than you want to be at your kids? Breaking up fights every few minutes? And feeling terrible about it?
Maybe you find yourself yelling more often than you'd like to, or noticing that you compare your "joy" to others and wonder if you're missing something?
Do you wonder what God thinks about how you're doing? And deep down do you ever worry if you're doing enough?

You struggle to feel complete alignment between how you WANT to parent and how you DO parent? Are you unsure of what exactly to do in the tough moments when you do move out of alignment? Do you feel badly about the times you "mess up" and equate your failures to not "being enough" in parenting, motherhood, life?
The knowledge and guidance in this course will lead you to your own unique answers for exactly where your child is at right now- from babies and toddlers, all the way to adult-child relationships- in a way you've never heard before.

Do you see the harmful patterns of generational parenting that have been passed down and want to give something different to your kids? Past ways of parenting often looked like using shame and fear instead of peace and connection: anything from spanking and grounding to bribes or threats, sticker charts, fancy reward systems, and taking away favorite toys or video games to gain compliance from toddlers and teens alike.
You may truly desire to do things differently, but often feel stuck in old habits of parenting, wondering, "What does it actually look like to parent in a different way, and how do I do it?" or "How do I get my kids to do what I want if I don't use force or pressure?"
"It's hard to explain just how much Crystal has helped us. We were very stuck in some difficult parenting situations, and now we are moving forward in much more positive ways. Our hearts and minds are in a much better place, and our relationships have improved drastically because of that."
Are you experiencing this?
- You find yourself yelling when you don't want to. You want to be in control of your feelings (especially anger and frustration), but you don't know how. You may get snippy, negative, or harsh when you're feeling frustrated (and may fall asleep with a mild dose, or more, of parental guilt- maybe even worrying that God thinks you're failing too)
- You want to teach your children how to handle their emotions, but you don't understand what that looks like or how to do it, so you just hope that they'll figure it out through books, teachers, or conversations you've had with them.
- You'd like to drop parenting through shame and fear, and parent more through love, peace, and connection... but find it challenging to do that with YOUR kids in YOUR unique situation. You probably think to yourself, "How the heck do I get them to listen without pushing them?"
- You seek for ANSWERS to parenting challenges when they pop up and you wonder if your answers are actually coming from God, or if they are your own ideas. This may lead to second-guessing, self-doubt, and confusion- for you and your kids.
An Experience From Parent School
"The coaching techniques and all the tools we have been using have helped me more than what l've experienced in 10 years of seeing a psychologist.. as I feel that I'm truly healing myself."
Parent School Client
The world is busy, chaotic, and full. It's easy to take on others' ideas of how we should parent, or get stuck in the same old habits and patterns of how we were parented.
BUT How does God parent us? How can we use those characteristics to parent our own children, without it feeling so forced? How do I change my relationship with God at a deeper and more individual level? How do I cut shame out of my relationship with God and out of my own parenting?
What you'll learn from me
- Throughout this program you'll find your OWN answers, you'll tap into a peaceful way of parenting (and being), and have concrete tools to get you through all of life's challenges- not just parenting.
- You'll learn how to listen to God in your parenting and find JOY in your children and family.
- You'll feel differently about YOU, and how GOD views you, and use this change in how you parent (shame-free, connection-based).
This will lead to a life full of purpose, intention, stillness, and simplicity... You will find more acceptance of, and guidance through, the hard and heavy challenges that we all go through.

"This philosophy has been so amazing. I've made some small changes in the way I think. I've made more conscious choices about how I spend my time on a daily basis and feel more clear on what I really want to do, and I've had a lot of great moments with my kids. It feels miraculous... want to thank you for everything you're teaching"
Faith-Based Parenting Curriculum
Module 1:
Creating Space
I'll dive into the basics of meditation, how to create more stillness in your mind, your life, and your schedule. We'll learn the power of space and how it amplifies lasting change (it'll take less time too!).
Module 2:
Relationship with Christ
We'll learn all about attachment and how our heavenly relationships often mirror our earthly relationships. Healing those core attachments will bring more calm, presence and joy in life.
Module 3:
Our Identity
We'll go back to the root of who we are. We'll uncover what we truly believe about ourselves- and start changing any false beliefs. Once identity changes- all other areas of life change for the better.
Module 4:
Radical Agency & Emotional Responsibility
We will dig into what is in our control in parenting, and what isn't. We'll focus on what we can control- and use that to influence change in us, and in our children, while dropping the pressure and shame we often carry in parenting.
Module 5:
Parenting through Christ
We'll bring all of the change and healing together, and start building back up what we want to keep in our parenting: focussing on Christ and what we can learn from Him.
$500 investment to help you change your parenting forever
Click to EnrollYour Transformation

What is Mine?
You'll learn your role in parenting and break down what your responsibility is, and more importantly, what it isn't. This empowering change will help clarify what to do in parenting- in any situation.

Learning about parent/child attachment, connection, relationships, and Christ is where the power to change will come from. Reorienting your relationship with the Divine will allow changes to come naturally. You'll learn how your past is affecting your parenting now, and how you think God views you- and clean up that thinking (shame-free).

Creating Space
In order for change to happen, you first have to create a space for it: open up your mind, your heart, and your life.
You will find that your schedule will have more open time, you'll feel comfortable when choosing rest, and be able to hear answers that come to you in moments of stillness.

You won't get stuck in "What should I do about this?" or feeling uncomfortable when you parent in a different way than your family members, or random parents at the park. You'll feel grounded in your OWN unique way of parenting, that is tailored to YOU and your kids. No more fighting about "the best" way, with your partner, your parents, or yourself.

This means that you'll feel better about how you show up in the world, in all areas of your life. You'll drop the guilt and shame that so often keeps you stuck, and live your life feeling confident that God is accepting and loving YOU and your heart.
"I was finally able to get some real help with my parenting. I am not continually beating myself up for my mistakes and I have a much better relationship with myself. This has been a huge shift for me and I will be forever grateful."
- Client