The Miracle Year

Success isn't Facebook friend count, IG followers, fancy cars, big houses, or high income...
Success is something you FEEL on the inside.Â
Success can sometimes feel elusive, like an empty black hole within yourself that you try to fill with outside things—money, numbers, praise, promotions. The problem is, no matter how much of it you gain, it doesn't fill the hole, and there is no end to this "success." It's an exhausting race that ultimately leads you to feel the opposite of what you wanted- disconnected from yourself and your loved ones and burnt out with work or life.
Success is meant to be FELT... on the inside. Success is an inside job. Satisfied. Present. Connected. Filled. Curious and expansive.Â
As a creative, and soul-searching human... YOU create success... from within. And as you do, outward success comes too... intimate and connected relationships, wealth that feels more fun and simple, adventurous experiences, curiosity, simple and small moments that FEEL right, on the inside.Â
Until now, I’ve worked with clients for 6-12 weeks at a time and seen the BIGGEST changes in them. It has been an honor to be part of this journey, and I love it.
All of my longer-term clients have said similar things (messages that I get on the regular)…
- They never thought the changes were possible for them, and can't believe how completely different they feel in such a short time (like healing a disconnected marriage on the verge of collapse, having kids feel safe and secure in their parenting, making major pivots in business fueled by feeling successful now etc.).Â
  - They had no idea how much would change in all areas of their life, not just the area of focus for coaching (like faith expansions or transitions, relationships being let go of or entered into, and business growth without even focusing on it).Â
  - They found the changes they experienced to be much more significant than anything they’ve tried before (typically, they refer to other therapy or counselling programs they've tried... I hear things like "this one session was more helpful than the last 6 months with my counsellor", or "you just explained in 45 minutes what it took me 5 years to learn in therapy!").Â
I didn't pick and choose the few clients that had huge results… these are the same types of messages I get from every single 1:1 client that I have worked with (or in my small groups).Â

I have loved helping deconstruct what isn't working in life, business, and relationships.
 And then I started to think... Now that you're free from what was keeping you stuck, what else could you create? What else is possible for you?
This is The Fun Part!!!
I'll help you to deconstruct what is needed, FEELÂ success NOW and CREATE the life you want, fueled by that fullness.
If anything was possible (which it is) what would you want to create in your miracle year? What if you treated this as "the year of infinite possibilities?"
Because it is. Truly.
It's like your BODY-MIND-SOUL is the world's best (and real) fortune-teller... which of these potential realities would you choose? Step into them, try them on and see how they feel...Â
- Your parenting is confident. You tap into your intuition instead of looking outside of yourself for answers. You enjoy being with your kids, and enjoy being away too (both are good and necessary!). You see your triggers, and know how to use them for growth instead of spiraling into the guilt and shame of not doing or being “enough”.
- You feel peaceful about tricky friendships and relationships, knowing what to let go of, and what to keep… and aren’t triggered by other people’s differing opinions (even their opinions of you). You feel safe to share your truth and have tough conversations, when you know they are needed to move a relationship forward.Â
- You love creation, bask in it even… spending time in both stillness and creation every day… feeling fuelled by the life you live, even in the simple moments (especially in the simple moments).Â
- You have a fabulous work/life/rest balance… you don’t feel guilt when you choose rest, but truly enjoy it. You have real presence (your body and mind are in the same place… you aren’t worried about what’s not getting done, or what needs to be done… you just get to BE).
 - You listen to your BODY, MIND, and SPIRIT. You spend time in each every day. You don’t attach yourself to anything external (body size, numbers, how you look, or the types of food that you consume). Body shame is a thing of the past, you don’t even give it a second thought. You tune into your needs and follow through with those needs.
- You feel full and connected to your spirituality. You know what you believe, and it fuels how you act throughout the day. You feel so confident in your spirituality, that you can be around those with differing opinions- and not be bothered at all. You listen to inner you, and what feels like Truth inside, instead of looking to exert guidance to tell you how to think. You feel your inner authority and trust it.
You create the kind of life “success” that YOU want, not that someone has told you that you should want. You feel successful now, knowing that you have enough, you are doing enough, and you ARE enough. This feels like a truly magical life.Â
THIS IS SUCCESS... and it's possible for you.
Healing is remembering... remembering that you are not broken. You never were. Growth comes from placing yourself in the spaces to catch glimpses of this remembering. Coaching is this space.
Relationships? Business? Time? Spiritual expansions? Releasing body shame? Let’s dig in. The Work is the same, in all areas of life.
Body. Mind. Soul.
This is our coaching curriculum. This is the success formula.
Your Miracle Year Starts Here4 Principles of My Coaching

Believing what you want to see in life, ahead of time, and seeing it show up in reality. Knowing that you are the creator of life, always. This principle works in relationships, wealth, business and every other arena of life. Just like magic.

Trusting yourself and your own guidance. You are your best marketing manual. You are your best parenting how-to guide. You are your best relationship resource. You are your best resource for any question you have- better than ChatGPT.

You trust that everything is working for your good… and you show yourself the truth of this every day… which leads to the deep learning moments.

There is no rush, no urgency, or neediness to results, goals, or outcomes. Everything you desire is coming, in time- everything that is FOR you. You choose to feel enough, successful, and worthy NOW. Because that is the truth.
These principles have changed my life, and continue to do so, every day. I often hear from my clients that their entire perspectives (and lives) have changed 180 degrees since doing this same work... in ways they haven't been able to access before or didn't feel was possible. Coaching accesses deeper than surface-level thoughts, we access the unconscious, the habitual patterns, and the stuck emotions.Â
It’s not me. It’s these truths. It’s the energy of really GETTING them, and living life by them, they change everything. It's the unconscious work that starts to shift, even when you don't work at it.Â
This is not your standard self-help or tools-based approach. This is deep, unfolding, and lifelong.Â
No, I cannot guarantee that you will achieve the same things as my clients have.Â
But... YES I can guarantee that if you feel called, if you feel the pull, if you feel like the niggling that this is your next step… and you follow that… that these principles can't not work for you. And you’ll feel changed… at a deep and abiding level, in just the ways that are needed for you.
I don't know what that change will look like for you- but I do know that you will come to find out. I know that success will meet you where you're at... and you'll feel the peace, presence, and contentment within everything that happens in life (even the hard stuff).Â
The Details
3 1:1 Sessions/month:Â We'll pick a day and time to meet each week, for the first 3 weeks of each month.
Integration Week: The last week of the month includes specialized work (journaling prompts, meditations) with ongoing audio message support via Voxer(no call this week). The goal of the week is to create space and time to integrate the learning.Â
Extras: I'll bring in additional experts (my own personal energy workers or Human Design readers etc.) or anything else that feels needed.Â
If you feel the niggling that this might be the right for you next year… I'd love to chat with you. We can connect over Zoom, Voxer, phone, email, or audio message. Reach out to me at [email protected]
Investment: $15,000 for 12 months. Monthly payment plans available.
Join the expansive energy of 2025… and create your own Miracle Year. I'm here for you. Are you?
Your Miracle Year Starts Here