Do you have a strong-willed child
(or 3)?
Hey mama... do you feel successful in your BUSINESS, your LIFE, your RELATIONSHIPS, your COMMUNITY... but still feel the struggle in parenting?
You know exactly how you want to parent. You've seen it on the interwebs, through courses or in books... but the more you try to parent in that way, the further away it seems.
You fall asleep at night wondering if you're failing your kiddos... and wondering if you'll have that long-term, deep and open relationship that you dream of having.
You might yell more than you'd like to and resort to threats/bribes to get your children to listen, even when you try SO hard to not parent in that way- and worry that it's getting in the way of your teens and tweens feeling understood and accepted.
You want to have a healthy, strong and connected relationship with your children... One that you enjoy. One where your children feel safe and free to express any emotion and talk to you about all their struggles.
It is possible.
Book a Call With Crystal Here
All The Tools You Need To
Heal Yourself
From The Inside Out
"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves."- Carl Yung
When we choose to look inward and heal ourselves, generations of children are changed. The most effective way to raise emotionally intelligent children is to become what we want to see in the them- first.
Start Today
Don't wait for years to change... hoping that one day it'll happen. "One day" never comes. We keep sitting in the possibility of change, hoping it'll happen to us- but not taking action towards the change. It can't happen without you- but with you it can happen right now. It has changed my life- and dozens of other women's lives as well. The change starts with you. I believe in YOU, I believe in these tools and I believe that change is possible.
Sign up for a sessionI will guide you through your parenting journey
Do you feel like you're questioning decisions that you make in parenting? Cell phone at 14? How much is too much Xbox? How to deal with a tween that's lying or talking back? How much time to spend with each child 1:1 each day?
Imagine instead...

Being able to tap into your inner parenting expert, so you can ditch all the courses and books, and know exactly what to do in your situation, with your unique child- and feel confident in the decisions you make with them.
Experiencing the miracle of what you thought might not be possible: lasting change in your child's behaviour. As our relationship with them changes, we change and they change. It's possible in your home too.
Loving and and trusting yourself within the arena of parenting- just as you have in other areas of your life.
Feeling successful, confident, free and at peace- in your parenting and motherhood.
Take control of your parenting and leave a new legacy of change for GENERATIONS to come
This is the parenting cycle:
Most of our parents parented in a way that was more authoritarian/dictatorial, or way on the other side of the spectrum, permissive parenting. They may have even swung back on forth on this spectrum (and you probably find yourself ping-ponging back and forth too).
Their parents did too. So did their parents. We parent in the way that we were parented, and in the way that we see happening around us.
The problem with this is that rewards, bribes, threats, and yelling (to force our kids to do what we want) will end up breaking down our relationship with them over time. It also passes down the emotional baggage that they then have to sift through and heal as adults.
If this continues they won't want to spend a lot (if any) time with us as adults... they won't have the tools to parent in healthy ways... and we end up perpetuating this cycle to our grandkids and great-grandkids.
It takes conscious WORK and EFFORT to do the inner healing necessary to parent in a different way. An intentional way. An intuitive way.
It is natural, but we have to first clear out our own mindset and emotional baggage to get there.
Healing the parent-child relationship from the inside out starts with US working on US, not focusing on changing THEM.
What coaching can do for you:
-You'll know the basic coaching tools to help yourself move through every problem that comes up with your children and feel confident in your solutions.
-Work through the self-healing process so that you can enjoy being around your kids and that they will start to listen and obey naturally, without the use of bribes or threats.
-Their positive behaviour will increase exponentially and their negative behaviour will decrease drastically.
-Your relationship with yourself will improve by leaps and bounds and you will start to treat yourself with just as much care, love and compassion as you do your children.
-You will feel connected to yourself and to your children

The Freedom Moms Podcast
Have you connected with me over on the podcast yet? This is a great place to start. Tune into my last few episodes below.